Informal general LWG Saturday 20 May. Informal general meeting held at Saturday dinner at Haddon House on the May weekend.
hanks. Margaret M thanked Jane Cook; right hand person, Bronwen; website, Frances B; membership secretary and treasurer, Andy Duguid; google group master and of course Deborah Dawe; weekend organiser. We presented Deborah with a framed photo (by Andy) of last years weekenders as a small thank you for her tireless work.
There did not seem to be any enthusiasm for new people taking over these posts.
Changes. The above group had met in the spring and decided we needed to make a few changes. As you have all seen prices everywhere are going up so we have decided we need to
- increase the annual sub from £12 to £15, payable for each individual not by household. We feel this would be fairer to the many singletons in the group.
- the costs of doing a recce for the May weekend have also gone up. Hotel and travel. So we propose to charge a £10 booking fee for the May weekend to help with recce expenses.
These changes were supported by the LWG members present at the weekend.
May weekend. Deborah Dawe and I (Margaret M) have enjoyed organising the May weekends for the last few years but we feel it is time for us to move upstairs to a consultant position. Deborah now lives in Exeter and I am mainly in France so coordinating recces is not easy. And we are not the youngest members of the group.
So we propose finding volunteers for organising the weekend. Deborah and I would be available to advise, consult and even help with recces.
Moving the weekend from weekend to mid week was discussed, there did not seem to be any strong opinion either way.
The Friday walks started out as no leader, democratic orienteering. Kind Bronwen has been organising them recently, and is happy to do so if she is available, and I am happy to suggest walks from France. But if anyone has a good walk that they could suggest we would be delighted! Contact me, Margaret M, or Bronwen with details and we can circulate the group.
We have been considering the ICE (In Case of Emergency) situation. Although we have everyone’s contact details we do not have the details of anyone who should be contacted in case of illness or an accident on a walk. We are still considering supplying fobs. Meanwhile we do strongly advise you all to have either a card or a fob in your bag or have your ICE contact and any medical details accessible to the emergency services (or the walk leader) on your phone. If you do not know how to put these on your phone please contact one of us and we can advise you.
Communications. We still have a problem with people putting messages on Google group email that are not relevant to the whole group. The people not involved find it irritating and are beginning to miss relavant messages.
- lift shares. Once accepted please use personal emails for details of meeting point, timing etc.
- menu choices. Please send direct to walk leader..
- thanks for walks could be sent direct to leader. I (MargaretM) will try to set an example!
But photos remain welcome.
And could I remind people if they have lost the email or do not know walk details they are all on the website.
Future plans - apart from walks! We hope to have an AGM, separately from the annual dinner, in the autumn, when I am in London. We also plan our winter party, date and time to be arranged, but probably early December.