AGM 2023 minutes
First heartfelt thanks to Judy and Martin Parsley for kindly hosting the delicious dinner.
And to
- Jane cook, right hand person,
- Andy Duguid , group email manager,
- Bronwen McCarthy, web master,
- Frances Burbeck, membership secretary and treasurer,
- Deborah Dawe, away weekend organiser,
- and all our walk leaders,
Nobody seemed interested in taking on these roles so we will continue as before!
This list threw up a few comments:
The group is asked to remember to use the Google group email for items that are of interest to the whole group. Please remember to use « reply to sender » or the person’s personal email address for travel arrangements etc. Please send menu choices to the walk leader rather than the whole group. Please use the website: Bronwen works hard to keep it up to date and there is a lot of interesting information on it; walk reports, dates of upcoming walks and events. In future if asked for walk details I shall refer people immediately to the website!
I am attaching the walking group « Directory » with the contact details of all the LWG members. Please check your entry is correct and put it somewhere you can find it as in future if asked for phone numbers etc I shall refer you to the directory.
Saturday vs Sunday for weekend walks. A show of hands favoured continuing the present arrangement, January to June Saturdays (avoiding Mother’s Day etc) and July to December Sundays. We will keep this under review as travel is slightly better on Saturdays, no end-of-weekend traffic jams on return to London. Also it is easier for the leaders to book the pubs on a Saturday, as it is becoming increasingly popular to have a pub family Sunday lunch making it hard to get a booking for a walking group.
Walks template - there is on the website under « Useful Info » a walks check list which details the information I need to circulate the walk. I will forward it to the leader a few weeks before the walk as a gentle reminder and it will help me to have all the details.
ICE details. I am a little concerned that although we have in the directory your personal details we do not have your ICE (in case of emergency) details which would be necessary should someone keel over on a walk. I noticed an article in The Ramblers Magazine suggesting we should have fobs attached to our backpacks. We will look into obtaining these for the group.
Date of next meeting was not fixed, presumably at the next winter party.