Upper Warlingham to Woldingham.
Outward Victoria 9.50, Clapham 9.57 to Upper Warlingham. 10.22 (last station within the freedom pass zone). Return from Woldingham (outside Zone 6) regular trains to Victoria and Clapham J.
For drivers: car parking at Upper Warlingham station. Return from Woldingham with train (one stop).
the finish is South of the start. The route loops Eastward to join the two points. there is a modest climb at the outset but only a little climbing thereafter. Although only a few miles from Croydon and well inside the M25, this part of London's border with Surrey feels anything but urban. Away from the main roads you are soon in woods, fields and isolated valleys which escaped the post-war expansion of south London's suburbs. Now part of the Green Belt, the area is protected from large-scale development and remains a rural haven. Conditions underfoot cannot be predicted. Particularly muddy conditions are not expected but cannot be ruled out. Fully water proof boots are essential and poles are certain to be useful.
The Bull Chelsham Common